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Here is My Question:
I have a posterior bulging disc, facet atrophy most severe at L4 and L5, and peroneal compression. My toes on one foot have been constantly numb for 6 months and I have constant lower back pain. Are any of these possible indicators of MS or Lou Gehrig's disease as there is a family history of both along with Parkinson’s? Answer We are not able to provide medical opinions on this site for several very good reasons. The purpose of this site is provide information that will help you and your doctor reach an appropriate decision. In that context let me make a few comments about your question First, it appears that you've already undergone an evaluation, hopefully by a neurologist, that led to an MRI scan of your lumbar spine. The question to ask at this point is a simple one: is it possible that the findings on the MRI scan are sufficient to explain both your pain and the unilateral numbness in one foot ? This can only be answered by an experienced neurologist after a detailed history and examination with review of your imaging studies. If the answer is unclear after this evaluation, then the neurologist may need to obtain electrodiagnostic studies (Nerve Conduction studies with EMG) to clarify the underlying issues. Based on the information provided there is no reason for you to be considering MS or Lou Gehrig's disease. It is always best in medicine to take everything one step at a time. Go see a good neurologist and get some answers Good luck Revere (Rip) Kinkel MD Professor of Clinical Neurosciences Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Program Clinical Neurosciences Director University of California San Diego Comments are closed.
PLEASE NOTE: This information/opinions on this site should be used as an information source only. This information does not create any patient-HCP relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition.
September 2024