1. What do you need to know?
So you’ve been told that you may have Multiple Sclerosis (MS). To borrow a common phrase, this is likely “freaking you out” and creating a great deal of anxiety. Take a breath, get comfortable and start reading.
2. How do you find the right physician for your ms?
Make sure you see someone who SPECIALIZES in Multiple Sclerosis. There are many physicians that are great physicians, but have little to no experience with multiple sclerosis. Some health insurance plans might require you to start with your primary care provider. It is also possible that you might be directed to see a general neurologist before seeing someone who specializes in MS.
If you think you might have MS, who should you go to see? You will want to see someone who specializes in MS. Here is a resource from the NMSS. Use this as a starting point: http://www.nationalmssociety.org/Treating-MS/Comprehensive-Care/Find-an-MS-Care-Provider/Partners-in-MS-Care