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Question: I originally had vision problems in 2000, along with a normal Visual Evoked Potential (VEP). In 2001 I had my first go around with severe spasticity in both of my legs. By 2003 my 2nd VEP came back abnormal. During these times my brain MRI's as told to me were normal. Due to financial problems, I was unable to have another MRI until 2013. My brain MRI showed white spots, and my neurologist said "those are MS lesions" when she looked at the prints, but when she looked at my MRI on her computer she then said "No, those are pockets of spinal fluid". With my spine MRI the orthopaedist said that "No, they were not of bone matter", and did not know what an MS lesion looked like. My neurologist seems to think they are "bone". My orthopaedist stated I do not have buldging disks, herniated disks and have a very very mild degenerative area in my hip, "but not enough to treat". My neurologist went strictly by the written report of so called "clean MRI" via the radiologist. What do you think?
Answer: It sounds like you’ve gone at least 14 years without a definite diagnosis of MS and even now there are questionable findings on your diagnostic evaluations. Usually, this is very good news and means that even if you do have MS it is a relatively mild form of the disease. Of course there are exceptions to this rule and you should be evaluated by an MS specialist. Amazingly, there are not a lot of trained MS specialists so you may need to check around your area or even travel a ways to find one. It is hard for me to give you any more advice without knowing the specifics of your case. To find a trained MS specialist in this area, click on this link from the National MS Society (NMSS): http://www.nationalmssociety.org/Treating-MS/Comprehensive-Care/Find-an-MS-Care-Provider/Partners-in-MS-Care Good luck and feel free to give us some feedback after seeing an MS specialist. Comments are closed.
PLEASE NOTE: This information/opinions on this site should be used as an information source only. This information does not create any patient-HCP relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition.
September 2024