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Here is My Question:
I need some advice. Three years ago I had an attack of numbness, tingling in my legs and tremors in my hands that lasted a month. I saw a neurologist in the ER and they did an MRI of my brain and spine and both were normal. After my attack resolved my muscles became very stiff and still are after 3 years. After the attack last year which was 3 years later I felt my spine up and down like my nervous system was active and felt heat. Then my neck and back felt like I had some type of damage in both areas. My right leg left is weak and I am uncomfortable swallowing. And recently in March my neck on both sides I feel some type of pressure in both my arteries? My right leg is so weak and my right arm feels like a 10 pound weight is on it. I walk with a slight limp now. I saw an MS specialist and my MRI and exam was normal in March but if you watch me in the day you can see my weakness in my right leg. I really believe this is MS. Please help me!! Answer: There are many possible reasons for the type of symptoms you describe in your question. If the MRI of your brain and spine is normal after 3 years, MS is a much less likely diagnosis. Do not become fixated on a particular diagnosis; instead, see your neurologist again with an open mind and ask him to list all the possible causes for your symptoms. If he or she can not figure it out, ask for another opinion. Good luck Revere (Rip) Kinkel MD Professor of Clinical Neurosciences Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Program Clinical Neurosciences Director University of California San Diego Comments are closed.
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September 2024