I have often heard that we should live in the present. This is so very true. Like the saying goes the past is gone and the future has yet to come. Dealing with MS can be so difficult at times, but all we really have is the hear and now. Dealing with emotions and a chronic disease is sometimes so hard that it's necessary to live minute by minute or hour by hour. Remember life can change in a second.
We all know this because it changed the day you got this diagnosis. I remember that day so well. I was devastated. I am a nurse. My mind went to places I never ever want to see. We can't predict the future. So after a few weeks of crying and feeling bad for myself, I picked myself up and decided to live one day at a time. Some days are great and some not so much. Sure I still have a bucket list and think about the future. I just try not to put pressure on myself. If I plan something it's in the back of my mind, this might not happen. If it does, I'm elated and if not, there will be other times. I know this all sounds rosy and yes I still have horrible depressing days. However, that's when I lean on my loved ones, my friends and yes all the amazing people who I've met along this MS road. There are so many resources out there and wonderful people trying to make a difference and find a cure. So if you can, please live one day at a time, or one minute at a time if that's the kind of day it is. I know it's cliche, but stop and smell the roses. Susan
6/26/2017 03:36:47 pm
Hi Susan. I was just diagnosed with MS. I can relate to your post. I'm still in that crying and depressed state. I'm lying in bed crying as I'm writing this.
Susan Sheehan
5/2/2018 04:49:33 am
Its very hard to do. I understand. Utilize every support possible and get help professionally if you can’t pull up from the fog. Comments are closed.
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